The Demonic Invasions | Revelation Chapter 9

After the devastating effects of the first four Trumpet Judgments, one-third of the world is destroyed. An eagle warns of greater and increasing judgments to come in the final three Trumpet Judgments. The fifth and sixth Trumpet Judgments bring two demonic invasions that cause untold pain and suffering to humanity.  In the Fifth Trumpet, demons inflict excruciating pain on all those who do not have the mark of the beast (666).  For five months mankind is tormented with pain so great that many will attempt suicide but will be unable to die during that time.  Then after this will be another demon invasion where this time a third of the world’s population is killed by these demons.  And although men know that it is God who is sending these judgments, they refuse to repent of their wickedness.

Things can only get worse as preparation for the 7th Trumpet begins.






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