Jacob flees from Laban - Genesis chapter 31

Jacob has been working for Laban by keeping his flock for six years now – that’s after having done this for fourteen years previously as a dowry for his two daughters.  Laban has been very deceitful and has not dealt fairly with him.  Plus, Jacob noticed that Laban and his sons’ countenance towards him has become quite toxic.  So, he decides to secretly flee with all that he has and return to his father’s house.  He flees, but Rachel secretly takes her father’s household idols.  Laban discovers that Jacob has left and hotly pursues him. God encounters Laban in a dream and warns him not to trouble Jacob.  Laban meets with him accuses Jacob of being deceptive and that he has stolen his household god.  Jacob permits Laban to search his household; and after finding nothing, he hotly rebukes Laban.  They then make a covenant and Laban returns home.


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