Joseph brothers go to Egypt to buy bread - Genesis Chapter 42

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Not only did the famine strike Egypt, but also the Land of Canaan.  So, Jacob sent ten of his sons to Egypt to buy grain.  When they arrived, they found they needed to purchase from the governor of Egypt, who was their brother unbeknownst to them.  Joseph accused them of being spies and demanded that their brother Benjamin be brought to him as proof that they were not.  After imprisoning them for three days, he sent them back with full provisions of grain; but he kept Simeon imprisoned as security that the brothers would return with Benjamin.  After they finally made it back to Canaan, they told their father Jacob all that happened.  Jacob mourned, because he believed that he now had also lost his son Simeon along with Joseph.  The brothers discovered that all of their money was back in their sacks and believed that they were suffering divine retribution because of what they had done to their brother Joseph.

00:00 – Review
05:56 – Jacob sends his sons to buy grain in Egypt
08:52 – Joseph accuses his brothers of being spies
18:19 – Joseph imprisons Simeon and send the rest back with provisions
26:55 – The brothers tell Jacob what happened in Egypt
33:39 – Final Thoughts


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