the call of Moses - exodus chapter 3

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 So now Moses is 80 years old, and the eager, self-assured deliverer is now an humble shepherd.  It is at this time God appears to him in a burning bush and calls him to be the instrument of the deliverance of the sons of Israel.  Moses, who at one time was so ready to deliver the Israelites, offers objection after objection as to why God should not use him.  God assures Moses that He indeed has chosen him and will use him to bring the Israelites out of the slavery of Egypt.

00:00 – Review
05:26 – God appears to Moses in the burning bush
20:05 – God reveals Himself and intentions to Moses
35:10 – Moses began to object to being sent
38:12 – God tells Moses His name
50:39 – God will deliver Israel with great prosperity
53:16 – Final thoughts


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