the song of Moses and Israel complains - exodus chapter 15

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After God led the children of Israel through the Red Sea on dry ground and drowned the Egyptians when they attempted to follow, Moses led them in a song of praise for God’s great deliverance. He sang of God’s power, majesty, glory and faithfulness to deliver His chosen people. Not many days from this awesome event, God tested the people by leading them to a place where the water was unsuitable to drink. The people responded by complaining. God set forth this event as a principle – obedience brings a blessing; disobedience will bring chastisement. Nevertheless, this incident of Israel’s responding to hardship with murmuring and complaining becomes the norm for the nation.

00:00 – Review
05:55 Moses leads Israel in a song of praise
11:29 – God’s dividing of the Red Sea
20:13 – The Gentiles hear and fear the Lord
21:34 – Looking to God’s bringing the people to Sinai
24:24 – Recalling of the Red Sea event
26:58 – Israel is led to Marah where there is no water
40:54 – Moses cries out to God and He sweetens the waters
47:51 – Final thoughts


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