Jesus Blesses the Gentiles - Matthew Chapter 15

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When Jesus is confronted by the pharisees because His disciples did not wash before eating, He teaches that true defilement comes from within and not without.  He leaves and enters the regions of the Gentiles and with three examples of ministry teaches His disciples how that their future ministry would incorporate blessings for the Gentiles.  He interacts with a Gentile woman; He heals crowds of Gentiles; and He feeds four thousand Gentiles.  All of this to train His disciples for their future ministerial work.

00:00 – Review
08:09 – Eating with unwashed hands
31:04 – Jesus explains the parable
39:54 – Jesus and the Canaanite woman
58:56 – Jesus heals the Gentile crowds
61:04 – Jesus feeds 4,000 Gentiles
71:36 – Final Thoughts


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