Who is the Greatest? - Matthew Chapter 20

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Continuing with the principle of “the last shall be first and the first, last”, Jesus continued teaching His disciples in a parable.  The point He was making was that, He would appoint those to serve Him throughout the church age and would reward them just as He rewarded the twelve apostles.  As He headed toward Jerusalem, again He reminded them of His upcoming death and resurrection.  On their way, James and John request superior positions in the kingdom and Jesus corrects their understanding of what it means to be great in the kingdom.  Greatness is attained by suffering.  True greatness is to serve and not be served.  The problem with the disciples concerning this is that they were blind.  Hence, Matthew’s recording of Jesus healing of the two blind men.

 00:00 – Review
11:28 – Parable of the vineyard workers
35:39 – Jesus foretells His death and resurrection again
40:05 – John and James petition Jesus for exalted positions
66:12 – Jesus heals two blind men
77:47 – Final Thoughts


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