The Presentation of the King and the Lamb - Matthew Chapter 21

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Jesus now enters into Jerusalem, presenting Himself as the rightful King of the Jews.  Fulfilling the prophecy of Zechariah, He enters Jerusalem riding on a donkey.  The next day Jesus entered the temple and for the second time cleansed it.  During these last days of Jesus before His crucifixion, He is tested by the religious leaders, fulfilling Moses instructions of testing the lamb (Exodus 12).  The leaders question His authority and Jesus responds with His own challenges.  Ultimately, He declares their rejection (barren fig tree) and destruction (parable of the landowner).

00:00 – Review
06:12 – Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey
16:51 – The dual presentations of Jesus explained
21:51 – Jesus cleanses the temple
35:55 – Jesus curses the fig tree
46:01 – Jesus’s authority is challenged
53:42  –  The parable of the two sons
61:14 – Parable of the landowner
73:02 – Final Thoughts


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