Jesus Foretells the End of the Age - Matthew Chapter 24

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After Jesus’s denunciation of the leaders and warning of Jerusalem’s destruction, His disciples seek to understand His prophetic words about the destruction of the temple and the future setting up of the kingdom.  Jesus began by giving them a general overview of increasing despair as the world moved towards the time of the Tribulation and then provided them a sign to signify when the kingdom would be set up.  However, He continued to teach and warn them to be prepared of another event that will take place without a sign – the Rapture, which will catch many unprepared.  And thus, He emphasized the need to be prepared for this unknown, unannounced day of His coming.

 00:00 – Review
05:06 – Jesus predicts the times leading to the Tribulation
25:36 – Jesus tells what event will signify the setting up of the kingdom
39:21 – The return of Jesus the Messiah will be clearly known and visible to all
59:50 – Jesus Assures His disciples of His prophetic words
65:16 – Jesus speaks of the Rapture
72:06 – The Rapture will come like the floods of Noah came
84:34 – Warning parables of a prepared householder and faithful servant
92:12 – Final Thoughts


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