John 1:6-13 Salvation is of God

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In these verse John talks about how John the Baptist came to witness that Jesus was the Messiah and point men to faith in Him.  He continues speaking of how when Jesus came into the world, He was rejected by the world and His own people.  And finally, he sets forth the principle of election.  That is, those who are saved are not saved because of familial relationships, their own will or the will of any other person, but of the sovereign will of God.

 00:00 – Introduction
05:17 – The witness of John the Baptist
10:52 – Jesus purpose was to bring salvation light
13:17 – The world did not know its own Creator
17:12 – The Jews reject Jesus
19:31 – Those who believe in Jesus are the children of God
29:12 – Salvation is of God and not man
48:42 – Final Thoughts


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