Except You Eat My Flesh and Drink My Blood You Have No Life - John 6:41-58

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In response to Jesus’s teaching about His origins and the necessity of eating and drinking His blood, many turn from following Him.

00:00 – Review
04:54 – Jesus continues the bread of life teachings in Capernaum
08:39 – Jesus addresses the murmuring of those who followed Him
16:47 – Jesus addresses His origins and words
23:00 – Jesus states the life-giving nature of His words
25:16 – Jesus’ knowledge of the unbelievers and why
42:39 – Many “disciples” turn away from Jesus
47:15 – Jesus directs His attention to the twelve as to leaving Him
61:02 – Jesus chooses the twelve with knowledge of Judas’ future betrayal
68:54 – Final Thoughts


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