Before Abraham Was “I AM” - John 8:25-59

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As we bring to conclusion Jesus at the Feast of Booths, He continued to make declarations of His divine person (I AM).

00:00 – Review
04:33 – Jesus prophesies that the people will understand more after His crucifixion
16:28 – Knowledge and faith in Jesus sets free from the bondage of sin
27:37 – Jesus refutes their claim as Abraham’s children
33:20 – The people claim Abraham and God as their father
39:51 – Jesus continues to challenge the people’s assertion of God as their Father
44:25 – Jesus declares plainly that their father was Satan
52:38 – The people accuse Jesus of being demon-possessed
56:28 – Angry response of the Jews to Jesus
62:00 – Jesus promises life to those who believe in Him
78:59 – Jesus states that as God, He existed before Abraham
93:21 – Final Thoughts


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