The Song of Moses and Israel Quickly Complains – Exodus Chapter 15

The Song of Moses and Israel Quickly Complains – Exodus Chapter 15

After God led the children of Israel through the Red Sea on dry ground and drowned the Egyptians when they attempted to follow, Moses led them in a song of praise for God’s great deliverance. He sang of God’s power, majesty, glory and faithfulness to deliver His chosen people. Not many days from this awesome event, God tested the people by leading them to a place where the water was unsuitable to drink.

Dedication of the Firstborn- Exodus Chapter 13

Dedication of the Firstborn- Exodus Chapter 13

After giving the Israelites instructions on how to observe the Passover and Unleavened Bread, Moses also commanded the nation to set apart all the firstborn of man and animals to God. This was also done to commemorate God’s great deliverance of the Jews from Egyptian slavery. And as an additional visual teaching tool to help successive generations remember this deliverance, Moses also instructed the usage of phylacteries.