Why didn’t they break the bones of Jesus?

Why didn’t they break the bones of Jesus?

In the gospel of John, it reads that when the Jewish leaders wanted to expedite the deaths of Jesus and the thieves in their crucifixions, they requested of Pilate to break their legs. Both the two thieves legs were broken. However, when the Roman soldier came to break Jesus’ legs, He was already dead. So, His bones were not broken. What is the significance of this?

Who taught Jesus the Scriptures?

Who taught Jesus the Scriptures?

Matthew 13:54-56 recorded when Jesus briefly returned home to Nazareth. While He was there, He entered the synagogue and taught the people. Those who listening were astounded at His understanding and teaching of the Scriptures and powers to do miracles. They knew of His family and upbringing. But they did not know from whom He got His knowledge and understanding of Scripture. So, where did Jesus get His knowledge of Scripture from? Who taught Jesus?

was Jesus attractive?

was Jesus attractive?

Even though much is not discussed about the physical appearance of the Messiah/Servant except His marring by those who judged Him (52:14), a few details are given. But, in many movies and films about the life of Jesus, they usually depict Him as a fairly attractive person. Was this truly the appearance of Jesus?

Is Hell eternal?

Is Hell eternal?

You may have often heard that hell is eternal or someone stating that a person will die and go to hell forever. But is that the case? The simple answer is “no”.  So, in this lesson we will look at this subject from two primary passages of Scripture found in Luke and Revelation. Buy this [...]