Free Lessons, Study of Revelation
After the Dark Ages (Church of Thyatira – 600-1500AD) was the Protestant Reformation period from 1500-1700AD. From this time period the church benefitted from a number of concrete doctrinal and foundational truths that were re-established for Christendom.
Free Lessons, Study of Genesis
As the time draws near for the promise of a son to be fulfilled to Abraham, he once again fails by his lack of faith. Nevertheless, God does not fail him and maintains His covenant with His imperfect servant.
Free Lessons, Study of Revelation
Thyatira represents the church age that saw the development of the Roman Catholic Church and a number of doctrines that corrupted Christian theology. Jesus greatly denounced these doctrines and urged them to repent or be cast into the Great Tribulation.
Free Lessons, Study of Genesis
After Abraham intercedes for Sodom and Gomorrah (namely his nephew Lot), the angels of God go down to Sodom and are only able to rescue a small portion of his family. Sodom and Gomorrah are destroyed and Lot’s family is rescued. However, although Lot and his family have been taken out of Sodom, Sodom was still in Lot’s family.
Free Lessons, Study of Revelation
The letter to the Church of Pergamum was encouragement to the Christians in Pergamum to remain separated from the pervasiveness of surrounding idolatry. Prophetically speaking, it was the birth of the state church and planted the seeds for the Roman Catholic Church.