The Creation of Woman | Genesis 2:10-25

The Creation of Woman | Genesis 2:10-25

After God formed a place where the man could have fellowship with Him (the Garden in Eden), we are introduced to two trees – the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Adam (alone) is commanded not to eat of the tree of knowledge. God then proceeds to allow him to name all of the animals, indicating his authority over the earth. In doing so, he also allows him to see his uniqueness and aloneness. So, He proceeds to make him a suitable companion – Eve.

The Fall of Adam | Genesis 3:1-7

The Fall of Adam | Genesis 3:1-7

Genesis 1 and 2 gives us a wonderful picture of creation with the Man and the Woman enjoying each other; and most of all, they are in fellowship with God. In chapter 3 we are introduced to their first temptation to disobey God’s commandment concerning the forbidden tree.