How do you know when it is the Spirit? | John 16:5-15

How do you know when it is the Spirit? | John 16:5-15

Often times we are told that the Holy Spirit is moving, speaking or acting (is present). But how can we be certain that something is truly of the Spirit or not? We must always be careful of simply being persuaded by our feelings or the expectations of others when judging if something is of the Spirit. So let’s study John 16:5-15.

The Gift of Tongues | 1 Corinthians 12 and 14

The Gift of Tongues | 1 Corinthians 12 and 14

What is the gift of tongues? How does a person “get” the gift of tongues? Can anyone have the gift? Can you pray for it or someone else pray that you receive it? How should tongues be practiced in the church? These questions and more will be answered in our study of tongues covering select readings from 1 Corinthians 12 and 14.