Be Warned, Jesus Will Judge the Nations - Matthew Chapter 25

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Chapter 25 continues Jesus’s warning on being prepared (for the Rapture).  He gives two parables to illustrate things concerning this event.  First, in the parable of the virgins, the idea is simply to be prepared; but the idea of the talents is a warning to be faithful.  Finally, at the end of the chapter, Jesus tells what will happen to the Gentile world (in judgment) when He returns.  Those Gentiles who are saved will enter the Kingdom – their salvation evidenced by the way they treated the Jews during the Tribulation.  The unsaved will be executed and sent to Hell.  These too are evidenced by how they treated the Jews in the Tribulation.

00:00 – Review
10:31 – Parable of the ten virgins
18:56 – Understanding these parables from a prophetic sense
20:00 – Parable of the talents
36:07 – Summary of the virgins and Talents and context for the Second Advent
40:38 – Judgment of the Gentiles
54:34 – Final Thoughts


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