Bearing False Witness, Sabbath, Feasts and Warning Against Idolatry - Exodus Chapter 23

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This chapter deals with bearing false witness (e.g. is a system of justice/court); Sabbath rules; the institution of three national festivals; God’s promise to bring them into the Promised Land and the prohibition against idolatry. 

 00:00 – Review
01:21 – Bearing false witness
04:39 – Helping your enemies
09:49 – Do not abuse the helpless in justice
14:54 – Command against taking bribes
15:37 – Do not oppress foreigners
16:35 – Again, responsibility of property for another
17:52 – Sabbath for the land
22:29 – Sabbath for man and beast
26:11 – Command to observe three festival times
34:47 – Honor God and no idolatry
42:12 – The guiding angel
46:19 – In your obedience, I (God) will bless you and give you the Land
54:11 – Continued blessing and victory over the Canaanites for obedience
55:16 – Promise of victory over the Canaanites
58:15 – God promises boundaries for the new Israelite nation and warns against idolatry
61:06 – Final Thoughts


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