Free Lessons, New Testament, Study of Matthew
Chapter 25 continues Jesus’s warning on being prepared (for the Rapture). He gives two parables to illustrate things concerning this event. First, in the parable of the virgins, the idea is simply to be prepared; but the idea of the talents is a warning to be faithful. Finally, at the end of the chapter, Jesus tells what will happen to the Gentile world (in judgment) when He returns.
Free Lessons, New Testament, Study of Matthew
After Jesus’s denunciation of the leaders and warning of Jerusalem’s destruction, His disciples seek to understand His prophetic words about the destruction of the temple and the future setting up of the kingdom. Jesus began by giving them a general overview of increasing despair as the world moved towards the time of the Tribulation and then provided them a sign to signify when the kingdom would be set up.
Free Lessons, New Testament, Study of Matthew
Chapter 23 concludes this section of the “testing of the Lamb (Jesus)” with Him condemning the religious leaders for their pride and hypocrisy. Here Jesus pronounced seven woes upon the pharisees and scribes leading to His ultimate pronouncement of judgment. In His final words, Jesus laments over Jerusalem and declares that He will not return again until they accept Him as Messiah.
Free Lessons, New Testament, Study of Matthew
Chapter 22 continues with the overall theme of testing. But before, this Jesus continued His parabolic teaching to the leaders indicating how that their rejection of Him will lead to the kingdom being offered to others and their destruction. After this, differing groups came to Jesus to question Him to entrap or find reasons to condemn Him.
Free Lessons, New Testament, Study of Matthew
Jesus now enters into Jerusalem, presenting Himself as the rightful King of the Jews. Fulfilling the prophecy of Zechariah, He enters Jerusalem riding on a donkey. The next day Jesus entered the temple and for the second time cleansed it. During these last days of Jesus before His crucifixion, He is tested by the religious leaders, fulfilling Moses instructions of testing the lamb (Exodus 12).
Free Lessons, New Testament, Study of Matthew
Continuing with the principle of “the last shall be first and the first, last”, Jesus continued teaching His disciples in a parable. The point He was making was that, He would appoint those to serve Him throughout the church age and would reward them just as He rewarded the twelve apostles. As He headed toward Jerusalem, again He reminded them of His upcoming death and resurrection.