The Anti-Christ | Revelation 13 part 1

The Anti-Christ | Revelation 13 part 1

Revelation chapter 12 ended with an announcement that the dragon (Satan), after losing the battle with Michael the archangel, continues in his persecution of God's people. Chapter 13 tells us through whom Satan will use to try to destroy both the Jews and Gentile believers in Christ - the Anti-Christ. So, Revelation 13 tells who [...]
The Two Witnesses | Revelation Chapter 11

The Two Witnesses | Revelation Chapter 11

Revelation Chapter 11 continues with events after the two demon invasions of the 5th and 6th Trumpet Judgments. A mighty angel gives John the remaining revelation of upcoming judgments in a “little book”. This “little book”contains the judgments of the seven Bowl (or Vial) Judgments. But before all of this, John is given a picture of the two prophets who will have supernatural ministries during the first half of the Tribulation.

The Demonic Invasions | Revelation Chapter 9

The Demonic Invasions | Revelation Chapter 9

After the devastating effects of the first four Trumpet Judgments, one-third of the world is destroyed. An eagle warns of greater and increasing judgments to come in the final three Trumpet Judgments. The fifth and sixth Trumpet Judgments bring two demonic invasions that cause untold pain and suffering to humanity.

The Trumpet Judgments | Revelation Chapter 8

The Trumpet Judgments | Revelation Chapter 8

Revelation 7 answers the question, “Who is able to stand (survive the Tribulation)?”. (Revelation 6:17)  And it also tells of the 144,000 Jews who were sealed to protect them from the judgments of God and serve as evangelists throughout the world. They will have great success! However, many people who respond to their message of the gospel, will pay for their faith with their lives.