Free Lessons, Study of Revelation
At the end of the first half of the Tribulation, the world seems like it’s about to be torn apart by just the beginnings of the judgments of God. The inhabitants of the earth are left wondering in fear, who will be able to survive this. Revelation chapter 7 answers that question (the 144,000 Jews), but continues to reveal the massive number of deaths that will mount during the relentless persecution of Christians.
Free Lessons, Study of Revelation
Exactly what is the Tribulation and how do we understand it? Briefly, it is a period of seven years in which God in dealing with the Jewish people will also bring judgments upon the whole world. This prophetic unveiling is contained in Revelation chapters 6-19. It ends with the Return of Jesus in the 2nd Advent and the restoration of Israel and the blessings of the Millennial Kingdom.
Free Lessons, Study of Revelation
The Tribulation is the 7 year period of God’s dealing with the Jewish people while at the same time bringing judgment to the Gentile world. It is during the first 3 1/2 years that the anti-Christ rises to power; and those judgments will be specifically aimed at his domain. So, in Revelation 6 the judgments begin as we enter the first half of the Tribulation with the rise of the Anti-Christ.
Free Lessons, Study of Genesis
After Abraham’s victory of faith in chapter 22, we now transition our focus on Isaac. But before this, Sarah dies. This chapter serves two main purposes for us: It shows Abraham’s connection to the Land of Canaan (the Promised Land) as his home land; and it serves as a downpayment for God’s future fulfillment in the day that He gives Abraham all that He has promised him.
Free Lessons, Study of Revelation
After the churches (Revelation 3-4: the church age), John was invited to the throne room of heaven. There he saw God sitting upon His glorious throne surrounded by angels and elders. But the key to understanding Revelation 4 and 5 is centered on the BOOK that He is holding in his right hand. No one, other than the Lamb of God – Jesus, the Messiah – is worthy to receive the book and reveal its contents.
Free Lessons, Study of Revelation
Now that the church has been raptured and is in heaven with the Lord Jesus, we prepare for the Tribulation Period. But before it begins, we are introduced to God on His glorious throne preparing to give this revelation to Jesus, the Lamb of God.