Free Lessons, Study of Revelation
Before we begin our study of the letters to the seven churches of chapters two and three, we need to discuss some introductory materials and how to understand (interpret) these letters to the churches.
Free Lessons, Study of Revelation
Revelation opens with a picture of Jesus as the God-Man who stands in the midst of His church as the Judge.
Free Lessons, Study of Genesis
God returns for a visit with Abraham and confirms the birth of Isaac and strengthens the faith of Sarah. But, also while He is there, He reveals to Abraham the impending judgment upon Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham intercedes for them (namely his nephew Lot) and we learn some wonderful things about God’s nature.
Free Lessons, Study of Revelation
In the opening of the letter of Revelations, we are introduced to the author of this letter/book, the Trinity (the tri-une godhead of the Father, the Spirit and the Son). Also, the theme of the overall book is stated: “the coming of Jesus Christ”.
Free Lessons, Study of Genesis
Thirteen years after the incident of Hagar’s birth of Ishmael to Abram, God returns to him and issues a sign of the covenant: circumcision.
Free Lessons, Study of Revelation
Introduction to the study of Revelation.