Free Lessons, Study of Genesis
Now that the flood has ended and life begins to return to normal, it is interrupted by a prophetic curse by Noah on one of his sons. What does this mean? Are “Black” people the descendants of Canaan? And are Black people cursed? Was it Scripturally justified to enslave Blacks based on how certain southern Americans interpreted this passage?
Free Lessons, Study of Genesis
Now that God has directed Noah to depart from the ark and Noah re-dedicates creation, God makes a covenant with Noah and all of creation to never destroy the whole world again by water. We also notice that man’s dietary restriction has been changed from vegetarian to omnivore. And now all animals are fearful of us for fear they may be eaten.
Free Lessons, Study of Genesis
Now that the Flood has ended, Noah is commanded to exit the ark after about a year. He reconsecrates creation back to God. God vows never to destroy all of earth by water again.
Free Lessons, Study of Genesis
Noah is now commanded to enter the ark. And because of all the wickedness in the world, God sends the waters of the flood from the earth beneath to the heavens above. All life on earth is destroyed.
Free Lessons, Study of Genesis
The earth is filled with the hybrid species of angels and men. Wickedness is the result of this union. God determines to destroy all life on earth with the exception of Noah and his family. So, He commands Noah to prepare an ark, because the great FLOOD is coming.
Free Lessons, New Testament
In John 19:5 Pilate says to the Jewish leaders who brought Jesus to be judged and condemned by the Romans and be crucified, “Behold, the man!” Why did he say this?