Greek Exegesis, New Testament, Study of Mark
In Mark 10:17-31, Jesus challenges a rich man to give up his wealth and follow Him, teaching that salvation is impossible through human effort but possible with God, and promising eternal rewards to those who sacrifice for the gospel.
Free Lessons, New Testament, Study of Mark
In Mark 10:1-12, Jesus is tested by the Pharisees on divorce, pointing them back to God’s original design for marriage and condemning divorce as a result of hardness of heart. He emphasizes that marriage is permanent and that remarriage after divorce leads to adultery. As an object lesson, He welcomes children, rebuking the disciples for hindering them. He teaches that only those with childlike faith can enter the Kingdom of God and blesses the children, showing His love and care.
Free Lessons, New Testament, Study of Mark
Mark 9:30-50 records Jesus’ prediction of His death, a lesson on true greatness through humility, a call to avoid causing others to stumble, severe warnings about sin and judgment, and a command to maintain purity and peace within the community.
Free Lessons, New Testament, Study of Mark
Mark 9:14-29 – Jesus returns to find a crowd arguing with His disciples over their failure to cast out a demon from a boy suffering seizures. The boy’s father, struggling with doubt, pleads for help. Jesus rebukes the demon, casting it out after a final violent convulsion. The boy appears dead, but Jesus lifts him up. Later, He tells the disciples that such demons can only be driven out by prayer.
Free Lessons, New Testament, Study of Mark
Mark 9:1-13 describes the Transfiguration, where Jesus reveals His glory alongside Moses and Elijah. A heavenly voice affirms Him as God’s Son. Peter reacts in fear, and Jesus later clarifies that John the Baptist fulfilled Elijah’s role, foretelling His own suffering and resurrection.
Free Lessons, Greek Exegesis, New Testament, Study of Mark
In Mark 8:27-38, Jesus reveals His identity as the suffering Messiah, teaches the cost of true discipleship, and rebukes Peter for misunderstanding God’s purpose.