Free Lessons, Greek Exegesis, New Testament, Study of Mark
In Mark 1:29-45, Jesus performs several miracles that highlight His authority and compassion. He heals Simon Peter’s mother-in-law of a fever, cures numerous people of sickness and demon possession in Capernaum, and cleanses a leper, restoring him physically and socially. Amid His growing popularity, Jesus prioritizes prayer and solitude, demonstrating His reliance on communion with the Father and His commitment to preaching the gospel in other towns. This passage underscores His divine power, empathy, and mission to bring healing and restoration.
Free Lessons, Greek Exegesis, New Testament, Study of Mark
Mark 1:14-28 highlights the beginning of Jesus’ ministry in Galilee. He proclaims the Gospel, calling for repentance and belief, and invites His first disciples to follow Him. In Capernaum, He teaches in the synagogue with unmatched authority and casts out an unclean spirit, astonishing the crowd and demonstrating His divine power.
Free Lessons, Greek Exegesis, New Testament, Study of Mark
Mark 1:1-13 introduces Jesus’ ministry, highlighting John the Baptist’s role in preparing the way, Jesus’ baptism and divine affirmation, and His temptation in the wilderness, emphasizing His authority, mission, and divine identity.
Free Lessons, New Testament, Study of Matthew
Overview and introduction to the Gospel of Matthew
Free Lessons, New Testament, Study of 1 Corinthians
Paul gives instructions for a collection for Jerusalem, shares travel plans, commends Timothy and Stephanas, and emphasizes unity, generosity, and love in his closing remarks.
Free Lessons, New Testament, Study of 1 Corinthians
1 Corinthians 15:35-58 explains the nature of the resurrection body, contrasting it with our current perishable, natural bodies. Paul uses the analogy of a seed to illustrate transformation: what is sown is perishable, but what is raised is imperishable, glorious, and spiritual. He emphasizes that “flesh and blood” cannot inherit the kingdom of God, necessitating a transformation at the “last trumpet.” Through Christ’s victory, death is defeated, and believers are assured of eternal life and triumph over sin.