Free Lessons, New Testament, Study of Mark
Jesus visits His hometown, teaches in the synagogue, and faces rejection due to unbelief. Despite this, He prepares His disciples, sending them out with authority to preach repentance, heal the sick, and rely on faith rather than material provisions.
Free Lessons, New Testament, Study of Mark
Mark 5:21-43 shows Jesus’ power over illness and death. Jairus pleads for his dying daughter, while a bleeding woman is healed by touching Jesus’ garment in faith. Jesus acknowledges her before raising Jairus’ daughter, proving His authority and the necessity of faith.
Free Lessons, Greek Exegesis, New Testament, Study of Mark
Jesus demonstrates His authority over nature and demons, calming a storm and delivering a possessed man, revealing His divine Person.
Free Lessons, Greek Exegesis, New Testament, Study of Mark
These two parables reveal how the kingdom (the church) grows exponentially by the preaching of the gospel, but is infiltrated by Satanic influences.
Free Lessons, Greek Exegesis, New Testament, Study of Mark
Jesus tells the parable of a sower whose seed falls on different soils, symbolizing people’s varying responses to God’s word. He explains that parables both reveal and conceal truth, and encourages careful listening and obedience for spiritual growth.
Free Lessons, Greek Exegesis, New Testament, Study of Mark
In these sections of Mark’s gospel, the theme centers on the identity of Jesus, or rather the failure to identify Him.