John 1:1 – The Nature of Jesus
This is an extensive teaching on John 1:1, dealing with the very nature of Jesus. It is in this verse that John lays down his foundational principle about Jesus – that He is God.
This is an extensive teaching on John 1:1, dealing with the very nature of Jesus. It is in this verse that John lays down his foundational principle about Jesus – that He is God.
This is an introduction to the study of the Gospel of John.
Although Jesus was crucified and buried in a tomb, this was not the end for Him, but God’s glorious plan. Three days later the world experienced the greatest event in human history: Jesus rose from the dead!
After being handed over to the will of the Jewish leaders, Jesus is led out to be crucified. Being offered some type of analgesic, He refused and was hung to experience the full pain of crucifixion. He was mocked by passerby’s and the Jewish leaders. Finally, with a great cry He died. Supernatural events took place at the time of His death as many observed these events.
The next morning after illegal trial of Jesus, the Sanhedrin gathered to officially render judgment against Him. Judas was remorseful because of the outcome and went to return the money. The leaders rejected this gesture from Judas; and so, he threw the money in the temple and hung himself. When Jesus arrived before Pilate, the leaders brought many accusations against Him.
After three hours of intense prayer, Jesus woke His disciples, because Judas had come with a band of soldiers. A brief skirmish took place, but Jesus prevented any escalation and allowed Himself to be arrested. He is then led to the home of the high priest Caiaphas, where s late night (illegal) pre-trial is convened. Since Jesus refused to defend Himself, the high priest placed Him under oath and Jesus affirmed that He was indeed the Messiah and the Son of God.