Who is TRULY Saved? – Matthew Chapter 7

Who is TRULY Saved? – Matthew Chapter 7

Jesus continues His teachings in several areas concerning judgment, prayer and works. As He ends His teachings, He concentrates on the necessity of good works. That is, true belief in Him as Messiah will manifest itself in the life of the believer by works of righteousness. True faith is evidenced by the life of the one confessing faith in Jesus.

The Sermon on the Mount – Matthew 5:1-20

The Sermon on the Mount – Matthew 5:1-20

As the large crowds followed Jesus, wandering if He were the Messiah who would bring about the kingdom, Jesus led them to a mountain and began to teach them. The essence of His teachings in this video deals with who is qualified to enter the kingdom of the Messiah. Jesus answered that as those who look to Him for their spiritual needs and are willing to suffer on account of their faith in Him.

Jesus Begins His Public Ministry – Matthew 4:12-25

Jesus Begins His Public Ministry – Matthew 4:12-25

After Jesus passed His test in the temptation in the wilderness, He is now ready to begin His public ministry. He sets up His headquarters in Capernaum and then chooses the first of His disciples. He began going about Galilee announcing that He is the Messiah, proving this with great signs and wonders of miraculous healings. As He preaches, teaches and perform these signs, large crowds begin to follow Him.