Free Lessons, New Testament, Study of Matthew
Introduction to the Gospel of Matthew
Did You Know?, Free Lessons, New Testament
Answering a great question from a commenter, Justin McKenzie in response to a video I made on whether a person can lose their salvation. You can watch that video here:
Justin believed that Hebrews 6:4-6 taught that a person COULD lose their salvation. In this video I explain why this is NOT the case and the meaning of that passage.
Free Lessons, New Testament
In John 6 Jesus feeds the 5,000 men supernaturally from 2 fish and 5 loaves. This great sign moves the people to try to forcibly make Him king. He leaves and later crosses the Sea of Galilee. The following day some of those same people seek Him to repeat the miracle but receive correction from [...]
Free Lessons, Greek Exegesis, New Testament
Today we will be doing an exegetical study of Romans 10:8-10 - a well-known passage. The overall thrust of the text will highlight the way and means by which a person can be saved. Our study in the Greek text will show the beauty of these things to give us what we have today as [...]
Free Lessons, New Testament, Study of Revelation
With the revelation of the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, we now have the final words of the Book of Revelation concerning Jesus the Messiah. John completes the picture of the eternal age in as much as God has decided to show it to him (us) and ends with both an affirmation and invitation. An [...]
Free Lessons, New Testament, Study of Revelation
We continue our teaching in Revelation 21, dealing with the new Jerusalem. Previously, our primary discussion was about the nature of the holy city (holy). Now, we talk about the appearance of the holy city - glorious. No downloads available. Podcasts