Free Lessons, Old Testament
We often hear of Satan as a red, hideous creature with a long tail and a pitch fork, ruling in hell as the punisher of evil doers. But is that who Satan really is? What does the Scriptures say about Satan, from his rise to his fall? Because this subject is so extensive, it will have to be broken up into several videos. So, join me for this first discussion of the beginnings of Satan. How did the devil become the devil. | Job 38:7; Ezekiel 28:11-19
Free Lessons, New Testament, Old Testament
After Jesus rose from the dead, He was met at the tomb by Mary Magdalene. In overwhelming excitement, she grabbed Him and held on tightly. But Jesus told her to stop holding on to Him, because He had to ascend to the Father in heaven. What was it so pressing that He had to do in heaven? Join me for this eye-opening teaching. John 20:17; Hebrews 8:1-5; 9:11-12, 22-23; Ezekiel 28:11-19
Free Lessons, Hebrew Text Study, Old Testament
It is sometimes said that the Old Testament saints believed in Jesus to be saved. That is, they were looking FORWARD to Jesus and the cross as the means of their salvation. But is that accurate? However, saints have always been saved “by faith”, what was it that the Old Testament saints had to believe to be saved?
Free Lessons, New Testament, Old Testament
We believe that in order to be saved, we must believe in the Person and work of Jesus. As to His person, that He is the Messiah, the anointed One of God. And as to His work(s), that He lived, was crucified and resurrected from the dead. But, what is the “nature” of His Person? Do we have to believe that He is GOD to be saved? Let’s study John 8:21-24 and Exodus 3:14.
Free Lessons, New Testament, Old Testament
his is a topical study of Sheol, sometimes simply translated as “Hell”. But what do the Scriptures teach about this place? Is it simply a place of torment? Join me in this exciting teaching.
Free Lessons, Hebrew Text Study, Old Testament
After Adam disobeyed God by eating the forbidden fruit, both his and his wife’s eyes were opened. What does that mean? And they sewed fig leaves to cover their nakedness. Why? Then, God Himself replaced the clothing they made for themselves with provisions that He Himself provided. Why?