Free Lessons, Study of Genesis
As the time draws near for the promise of a son to be fulfilled to Abraham, he once again fails by his lack of faith. Nevertheless, God does not fail him and maintains His covenant with His imperfect servant.
Free Lessons, Study of Genesis
After Abraham intercedes for Sodom and Gomorrah (namely his nephew Lot), the angels of God go down to Sodom and are only able to rescue a small portion of his family. Sodom and Gomorrah are destroyed and Lot’s family is rescued. However, although Lot and his family have been taken out of Sodom, Sodom was still in Lot’s family.
Free Lessons, Study of Genesis
God returns for a visit with Abraham and confirms the birth of Isaac and strengthens the faith of Sarah. But, also while He is there, He reveals to Abraham the impending judgment upon Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham intercedes for them (namely his nephew Lot) and we learn some wonderful things about God’s nature.
Free Lessons, Study of Genesis
Thirteen years after the incident of Hagar’s birth of Ishmael to Abram, God returns to him and issues a sign of the covenant: circumcision.
Free Lessons, Study of Genesis
In Genesis 15 we celebrate Abram’s faith and God’s making of the covenant with him. He is doing so well, only to fall once again in weakness of faith. How? Sarah concocts a plan to “help” God fulfill His promises and creates massive problems for the family and the descendants of Abraham unto this day.
Free Lessons, Study of Genesis
After returning from the Battle of the Kings, God appears to Abram in a vision and restates His covenant. He later confirms that covenant with a visual ratification.