Revelation 13 Part 4 | The False Prophet
We continue our teaching in this section with the person and activities of the Anti-Christ during the Great Tribulation, the final three and one-half years of the Tribulation. He is the son of Satan, who hates everything about the true God and will seek to kill all the people of God and force the remaining [...]
The Anti-Christ | Revelation 13 part 3
We continue our teaching in this section with the person and activities of the Anti-Christ during the Great Tribulation, the final three and one-half years of the Tribulation. He is the son of Satan, who hates everything about the true God and will seek to kill all the people of God and force the remaining [...]
The Anti-Christ | Revelation 13 part 2
I continued this teaching in Revelation chapter 13 dealing with the anti-Christ, focussing on his resurrection from the dead by the power of his father, Satan. And also, I demonstrated how Satan tries to mimic the true God in His triune being. Many examples are given to parallel and demonstrate who the anti-Christ is, but [...]
The Anti-Christ | Revelation 13 part 1
Revelation chapter 12 ended with an announcement that the dragon (Satan), after losing the battle with Michael the archangel, continues in his persecution of God's people. Chapter 13 tells us through whom Satan will use to try to destroy both the Jews and Gentile believers in Christ - the Anti-Christ. So, Revelation 13 tells who [...]