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Introduction to Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians (1:1-6)
Introduction to Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians (1:1-6)
Apostle Paul was NO Harriet Tubman (Study of Philemon)
Lessons from Philemon
1. Recognition of spiritual authority and the believer’s indebtedness
2. Christian perception of fellow-believers
3. Paul did not try to influence cultural “norms”.
Today we look at Deuteronomy 8:2-3. These are the admonitions of Moses to the 2nd generation of the children of Israel, who are about to enter into the Promised Land. Moses tells them to reflect on their hardships over the past 40 years. and consider what God was trying to teach them.
The Tabernacle is COMPLETED! (Exodus Chapter 40)
The construction for the Tabernacle and priestly garments are complete. Now, God directs Moses to erect it. God places His presence with teh people of Israel.
A teaching of justification by faith alone. What was the error of the Galatian church that prompted the apostle Paul to call them “foolish”?
Praying for a Spiritual Gift
Can we pray for spiritual gifts?
Exegeting Hebrews 1:1-2 from the Greek Text
Exegeting Hebrews 1:1-2 from the Greek Text
Are You Demas?
A teaching on biblical faithfulness, remaining with Christ.
Flee Sexual Immorality (1 Corinthians 6:12-20)
Flee Sexual Immorality
1 Corinthians 6:12-20
A teaching on sexual purity
Preparation for the Building of the Tabernacle (Exodus Chapter 35)
God commands Moses to take a freewill offering for the materials needed to construct the Tabernacle, as well as, gathering skilled people to work on the structure and its articles.
Preparation for the Building of the Tabernacle (Exodus Chapter 35)
God Renews His Covenant (Exodus Chapter 34)
Moses sees the glory of God.
God renews His covenant.
Moses face shined with the reflected glory of God.
Moses Intercedes For Israel (Exodus Chapter 33)
After the golden calf incident, God states that He would not continue in the midst of the people, but Moses intercedes on their behalf.