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Judgment Because of the Golden Calf (Exodus 32:19-35)
Judgment Because of the Golden Calf (Exodus 32:19-35)
The Golden Calf (Exodus 32:1-18)
After Moses was on the mountain for forty days, the people quickly turn to idolatry and gross sexual immorality.
The Golden Calf (Exodus 32:1-18)
The Sabbath (Exodus Chapter 31)
After the instructions for the Tabernacle and its articles have been given, God enables two men to oversee its construction. The Sabbath is also given.
The Altar of Incense (Exodus Chapter 30)
The Altar of Incense (Exodus Chapter 30)
“The Prayers of the Saints”
The Call of Jeremiah (Jeremiah Chapter 1)
The Call of Jeremiah – God’s prophet of judgment on Jerusalem and the nations.
The Consecration of the Priests (Exodus Chapter 29)
The consecration of the priests, daily offerings and God’s desire to dwell with the people of Israel.
Introduction to the Book of Jeremiah
Introduction to the study of the Book of Jeremiah
The Glory of the High Priest (Exodus Chapter 28)
Continued teaching in the Book of Exodus. The garments of the high priest. Exodus Chapter 28
Beware False Teachers (Jude 14-25)
Continuing teaching on the epistle of Jude. False teachers will be judged. Christians should try to help those who have been decieved by false teachers.
Jude 14-25
False Teachers Have Come (Jude 1-13)
The false teachers that Peter warned about in his second epistle, Jude states have now come.
False Teachers Have Come (Jude 1-13)
The Destruction of the World (2 Peter Chapter 3)
The Destruction of the World (2 Peter Chapter 3)
Commentary teaching on the second epistle of Peter
False Teachers: Greed and Corruption (2 Peter 2:10-22)
False teachers: their greed and corruption. A study of 2 Peter.
(2 Peter 2:10-22)