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Jesus Claims to be God – The Healing at Bethesda (John 5:1-24)
Jesus heals a man at the pool in Bethesda, leading to His claim to be God.
Jesus Heals a Nobleman’s Son – John 4:46-54
When Jesus enters back to Galilee, He is pressed by a nobleman to heal his son, who was at the point of death. Jesus challenged this man if he could believe without seeing the miraculous by telling him to go back and simply trust His word. The nobleman believed the word of Jesus and his son was healed. Salvation came to him and his family.
Jesus and the Samaritan Woman – John 4:1-45
Jesus meets a Samaritan woman at a well; and she comes to believe that He is the Messiah and bring others to faith as well. Then Jesus teaches of the joint participation of others (sowers and reapers) in God’s program of salvation.
John the Baptist’s Final Testimony of Jesus – John 3:22-36
John the Baptist’s final testimony of Jesus.
You Must Be Born Again – John 3:1-21
Nicodemus has an encounter with Jesus, where Jesus explains:
1. the necessity of the new birth to enter the kingdom
2. How the new birth is brought about
3. The means of how the new birth (eternal life) is accomplished in Him
John Chapter 2 – The Wedding in Cana; Jesus Cleanses the Temple
In this teaching, we see Jesus at a wedding in Cana where He performs His first sign/miracle. And then we move to Jesus first cleansing of the temple in Jerusalem.
John 1:35-51 Jesus Calls His First Disciples
In this teaching, John the Baptist points out Jesus as the Messiah to his disciples. They began to follow Jesus and He accepts them as His first disciples. These disciples began telling others and they too followed Jesus. Nathanel first doubts, then also ultimately became the disciple of Jesus.
John 1:19-34 John the Baptist’s Witness of Jesus
In this teaching, we have the interaction of John the baptist with the religious leaders as to whether or not he is the Messiah or some great spiritual figure. John denied these things but made them aware that the Messiah was presently among them.
John 1:14-18 The Word (God) Became Flesh
We finally get to John’s primary point of His gospel, God becomes a man in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. In this teaching I also talk about God’s plan of salvation for the elect, giving a roundabout discussion of how He determined to accomplish this. Once God became a man, Jesus, He was full of grace and truth.
John 1:6-13 Salvation is of God
In these verse John talks about how John the Baptist came to witness that Jesus was the Messiah and point men to faith in Him. He continues speaking of how when Jesus came into the world, He was rejected by the world and His own people. And finally, he sets forth the principle of election. That is, those who are saved are not saved because of familial relationships, their own will or the will of any other person, but of the sovereign will of God.
John 1:2-5 The Divine Nature of Jesus
In these verse John continues to lay the foundation of the divine nature of Jesus – that His is God. He strengthens his statement in declaring His eternal existence and that He is God, the creator of all things. This God came to provide life and redemption for a fallen world – a world in darkness.
John 1:1 – The Nature of Jesus
This is an extensive teaching on John 1:1, dealing with the very nature of Jesus. It is in this verse that John lays down his foundational principle about Jesus – that He is God.