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The Parables of the Kingdom – Matthew Chapter 13 part 2
In this second part of Chapter 13, Jesus continues to teach in parables concerning this new mystery kingdom. He explains how that this new kingdom (the church) will begin pure and end in impurity; begin small and end great; begin with right doctrine and become saturated with false doctrine.
Jesus Teaches in Parables – Matthew Chapter 13 part 1
Chapter 12 begins a pivotal moment in the ministry of Jesus. It is the national rejection of Jesus as Messiah by the leaders. And because of this, Jesus withdraws His offer as Messiah to the nation and begins to speak of a new “mystery” kingdom”. So, Israel will not receive the kingdom at this time, but instead, a kingdom that was not foretold will now be birthed.
The Unforgivable Sin – Matthew Chapter 12 part 2
In the previous section of chapter 12, we saw where the pharisees were rejecting Jesus because of what He was doing on the Sabbath and that they had determined to kill Him. In this last section, a mute, demon-possessed man is brought to Jesus and He heals him.
Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath – Matthew Chapter 12 part 1
In this section of chapter 12, we are confronted with Jesus teachings and works on the Sabbath day. His teachings were fundamentally different from those of the pharisees because He only taught how to understand the Sabbath from the Mosaic Law alone and not the rules of the pharisees.
Jesus Defends John – Matthew Chapter 11
After Jesus sent His disciples to minister in Galilee, some disciples of Jon cam to Him, asking if He truly was the Messiah (being sent by John the Baptist). Jesus kept working wonders and told them to go back to John and report the things that they have seen.
Jesus’ Power Over Sickness and Disease – Matthew Chapter 9
Jesus continues His healings in His hometown and surrounding areas. He demonstrates the wonderful truth of His divine Person in the healing of the paralytic. And we also see the calling of Matthew and the early stages of His rejection by the pharisees. He discusses fasting; and continues His ministry of signs which proclaim that He is the Messiah.
Jesus Demonstrates Authority Over Demons and Sickness – Matthew Chapter 8
In the Sermon on the Mount (chapters 5-7), Jesus demonstrated His authority in teaching. In Chapter 8, He demonstrates His authority over all manner of sicknesses and diseases and demonic possessions. He also gives two principles of discipleship – suffering and Jesus being the ultimate priority.
Who is TRULY Saved? – Matthew Chapter 7
Jesus continues His teachings in several areas concerning judgment, prayer and works. As He ends His teachings, He concentrates on the necessity of good works. That is, true belief in Him as Messiah will manifest itself in the life of the believer by works of righteousness. True faith is evidenced by the life of the one confessing faith in Jesus.
Jesus Condemns Spiritual Hypocrisy – Matthew 6
Jesus continued His teaching that His disciples should surpass that of the pharisees in preaching about righteous conduct. He dealt with such issues forgiving to fasting. Finally, He spent a significant time on the issue of money.
The Sermon on the Mount (Part 2) – Matthew 5:21-48
The latter teachings of chapter 5 denote Jesus’ warning that the people’s righteousness should surpass that of the pharisees. So, He begins by attacking the wrong teachings of the pharisees and telling them His own, showing how the pharisees misinterpreted and went beyond the correct teachings of the Law of Moses.
The Sermon on the Mount – Matthew 5:1-20
As the large crowds followed Jesus, wandering if He were the Messiah who would bring about the kingdom, Jesus led them to a mountain and began to teach them. The essence of His teachings in this video deals with who is qualified to enter the kingdom of the Messiah. Jesus answered that as those who look to Him for their spiritual needs and are willing to suffer on account of their faith in Him.