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God Shows No Partiality – Romans 2:11
We all know that the Scripture teaches that God “shows no partiality”. This is a brief lesson as we take a closer look path that word in the original Greek text of the New Testament that state fact – Romans 2:11.
Jesus Begins His Public Ministry – Matthew 4:12-25
After Jesus passed His test in the temptation in the wilderness, He is now ready to begin His public ministry. He sets up His headquarters in Capernaum and then chooses the first of His disciples. He began going about Galilee announcing that He is the Messiah, proving this with great signs and wonders of miraculous healings. As He preaches, teaches and perform these signs, large crowds begin to follow Him.
The Temptations of Jesus – Matthew 4:1-17
The temptations of Jesus. Jesus is led into a deserted place by God to undergo a specific period of testing. He will be tested infall three categories of sin (lust of the flesh, eyes and pride), but will not yield to Satan. His victory will prove that He alone indeed is the true Son of God and set the example for us in how to have victory over temptations.
John the Baptist – Matthew Chapter 3
John the Baptist begins his ministry of preparing a people to receive the Messiah when He comes by baptizing. Although a simple prophet/preacher, he is powerful and draws many from far and wide to his ministry. Upon noticing a delegation of religious leaders, John admonished them to repent upon the threat of being cast into Hell by the Messiah.
Understanding How New Testament Writers Quoted the Old Testament
It is very important to understand how the New Testament writers quoted the Old, because sometimes there is confusion in HOW the quote is being used and worse than that, there might be an error in the New Testament.
Gentiles (Magi) Worship Jesus – Matthew 2
Matthew chapter 2 continues dealing with the early childhood of Jesus with the visitation of the Babylonian magi. However, the star that once led them has disappeared; so, they go to the naturally expected birth of a king, Jerusalem. Herod questions his scribes and priests if there is such a prophecy.
The Birth of Jesus, the Messiah – Matthew 1:18-25
We continue this study with the birth of Jesus, the Messiah and answer the question of “how can Jesus have a right to Jehoichan’s (Jeconiah) throne because of the curse of Jeremiah (22:28-30). And Matthew focus’s on the birth of Jesus from the perspective of Joseph, recounting his obedience to God and taking Mary to be his wife, despite her being with Child and the social stigma that would come.
The Genealogy of Jesus, The Messiah – Matthew 1:1-17
The lineage of Jesus
Introduction to the Gospel of Matthew
Introduction to the Gospel of Matthew
Laws Dealing With Personal Liability – Exodus Chapter 21:22-36
This section deals with personal liability – liability for harm caused to the unborn, for injury to a slave, injuries caused by animals and negligence.
Laws Concerning Slaves – Exodus Chapter 21:1-21
As the people began to withdraw from the awesome display of God’s presence, Moses drew near to the thick cloud on Mount Sinai; and God continued giving him His laws. In this section God deals with laws governing slavery, the death penalty and personal injury.
The Ten Commandments – Exodus Chapter 20
As the people are at the base of Mount Sinai, God begins to speak to them His covenantal laws. It is here that we have what is called the Ten Commandments. These become foundational upon which God will set forth the rest (603) of His commandments in the Law of Moses (613 total commandments). But in the midst of God’s great display upon the mountain, the people become very afraid and asks Moses to relay God’s words to them.