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God Comes to Mount Sinai- Exodus Chapter 19
After three months since the Israelites left Egypt, they finally arrive at Mount Sinai, where God had first spoken to Moses. God instructs Moses to offer them a unique covenantal relationship to Him; and they enthusiastically agree. He continues to tell Moses to tell the people to prepare to encounter Him in three days at the foot of the mountain. On the third day, God comes down from heaven in great power of presence and makes Himself known in the sight of all the people.
Jethro Gives Moses Wise Counsel – Exodus Chapter 18
While encamped at Rephidim, Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, brings his wife and two sons back to him after hearing of the great things that God has done for His people. He greets him and enjoys a meal as Moses tells him in greater details of all the things that God has done. The next day he observes how Moses judged the disputes between all the people.
God Provides Water and Defeats Amalek – Exodus Chapter 17
After leaving the wilderness of Sin, God led Israel to Rephidim, where they had no water. As usual, the people complained against Moses; and Moses cried out to God. God instructed Moses to strike the rock and it would give water for the nation.
God Provides Bread in the Wilderness – Exodus Chapter 16
After leaving Elim on the way toward Mt. Sinai, the people exhaust their food supply and begin to complain – again. God tells Moses to inform the people that He will provide bread for them and also give them meat to eat. So, God gives them manna (bread) from heaven and commands the people to take only as much as they needed on a daily basis.
The Song of Moses and Israel Quickly Complains – Exodus Chapter 15
After God led the children of Israel through the Red Sea on dry ground and drowned the Egyptians when they attempted to follow, Moses led them in a song of praise for God’s great deliverance. He sang of God’s power, majesty, glory and faithfulness to deliver His chosen people. Not many days from this awesome event, God tested the people by leading them to a place where the water was unsuitable to drink.
Moses Divides the Red Sea – Exodus Chapter 14
As the children of Israel departed Egypt, pharaoh and the Egyptians began to have a change of heart. They regretted allowing the Hebrews to leave and wanted to re-enslave them. God knew this would be the case and He hardened pharaoh’s heart, telling Moses to change Israel’s travel directions to appear as if they were lost and confused.
Dedication of the Firstborn- Exodus Chapter 13
After giving the Israelites instructions on how to observe the Passover and Unleavened Bread, Moses also commanded the nation to set apart all the firstborn of man and animals to God. This was also done to commemorate God’s great deliverance of the Jews from Egyptian slavery. And as an additional visual teaching tool to help successive generations remember this deliverance, Moses also instructed the usage of phylacteries.
The Memorial of the Passover – Exodus Chapter 12 (part 3)
Moses continues instructing the elders of Israel how to observe the rites of the feasts of Passover and Unleavened Bread. He informs them that these ritual practices are to be observed from each successive generation. They are to commemorate God’s great deliverance of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery. He continues to give instructions on how non-Israelites (non-Jews) are to celebrate the Passover if they are believers in the God of Israel.
The Feast of Unleavened Bread – Exodus Chapter 12 (part 2)
After instructing Moses on how the Israelites are to observe the Passover, God continues instructing Moses to tell them to observe an additional ritual immediately following – the Feast of Unleavened Bread. This was a seven day observance where no leavened bread was to be eaten under threat of divine judgment. It signified holy (sinless) living before God in response to His great deliverance (Passover).
The Passover – Exodus Chapter 12 (part 1)
Before God strikes Egypt with His last great plague, He commands Moses to instruct the Israelites to perform a specific custom that will allow death to pass them by – the Passover. It will be in the killing and appropriating the blood of a lamb that will allow he angel of death to pass by God’s people.
God Warns Pharaoh Death of the Firstborn – Exodus Chapter 11
After darkness plagues Egypt for three days, God sends Moses to pharaoh one last time. This time Moses tells him that this strike will come at midnight, killing the firstborn of Egypt. He tells him that the cry of Egypt will be so great that pharaoh’s servants will beg Moses and his people to leave Egypt. This will be God’s final strike that will bring all of Egypt to its knees.
God Smites Egypt with Locusts and Darkness – Exodus Chapter 10
After God strikes the land of Egypt with hail, destroying the early harvest of barley and flax, He sends Moses to pharaoh once again. This time He threatens Egypt with a plague of locusts that will completely destroy Egypt’s remaining wheat harvest. Pharaoh’s counselors then urge him to free the Hebrew slaves because Egypt can no longer endure these blows from the Hebrew’s God. Pharaoh tries to bargain with Moses to no avail.