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Jacob’s Prophetic Blessings to His Sons Before Death- Genesis Chapter 49

Jacob’s Prophetic Blessings to His Sons Before Death- Genesis Chapter 49

After Jacob blesses Joseph and his two sons (Genesis 48), he calls all of his sons to his bed to give a prophetic word concerning their tribal families in the future. He emphasizes how that one day the tribe of Judah and a descendant from Judah will eclipse even Joseph to reign over the entire world. But, for the near future, Joseph’s tribal family (Ephraim) will have the preeminence. Finally, he charges them all to bury him in the ancestral tomb, and the light goes out from Jacob’s eyes and he dies.

Jacob Blesses Joseph’s Sons – Genesis Chapter 48

Jacob Blesses Joseph’s Sons – Genesis Chapter 48

Jacob falls sick and Joseph goes to his father so that he may bless him and his two sons before he dies. Jacob encourages them and tells them that God will be with them, just as He was with him. He adopts Joseph’s two sons in place of his own – Reuben and Simeon. Jacob then proceeds to bless Joseph’s two sons, giving the birthright to the younger son Ephraim over Manasseh, the eldest.

The Famine of Egypt Continues – Genesis Chapter 47

The Famine of Egypt Continues – Genesis Chapter 47

After Joseph prepares his brothers to meet Pharaoh, they are set before him. He inquires of their occupation; and they tell him that they are shepherds. The pharaoh welcomes them into Egypt and tells Josephs to set some of them as caretakers of his own livestock. Joseph then brings his father Jacob before the king; and Jacob blesses pharaoh – twice.

Jacob Goes Down To Egypt – Genesis Chapter 46

Jacob Goes Down To Egypt – Genesis Chapter 46

After Joseph reveals himself to his brothers, he tells them to return home and bring his father back to Egypt. There are still five years of famine left; so, if they all come to Egypt, there, Joseph could provide for them. This same gracious invitation is extended from the Pharaoh, as well. And the brothers return to Canaan to tell their father Jacob all that has transpired in Egypt and how that Joseph is still alive.

Does Hebrews 6:4-8 teach that you can lose your salvation?

Does Hebrews 6:4-8 teach that you can lose your salvation?

Answering a great question from a commenter, Justin McKenzie in response to a video I made on whether a person can lose their salvation. You can watch that video here:

Justin believed that Hebrews 6:4-6 taught that a person COULD lose their salvation. In this video I explain why this is NOT the case and the meaning of that passage.

Joseph’s Brothers Return to Buy Grain – TEST #2 – Genesis Chapter 43

Joseph’s Brothers Return to Buy Grain – TEST #2 – Genesis Chapter 43

The famine persisted in the Land of Canaan; and Jacob’s tribe was pressed sore on account of it. So, he reluctantly allowed his son Benjamin to accompany his other sons back to Egypt to buy grain for the family, placing him in Judah’s care. Once they arrived in Egypt, Joseph informed his house steward to invite them to dine at his house. The brothers panicked, believing this was Joseph’s way to seize them.

Joseph Interprets Pharaoh’s Dreams – Genesis Chapter 41

Joseph Interprets Pharaoh’s Dreams – Genesis Chapter 41

Two years after Joseph interpreted the cupbearer and baker’s dream, he was left in prison. Then God gives Pharaoh two dreams that his magicians and interpreters could not interpret. The cupbearer finally remembered Joseph and told Pharaoh how Joseph interpreted dreams. Pharaoh sent for Joseph and told him his dreams. Joseph interpreted the dreams and proceeded to advise Pharaoh. The king was so impressed that he elevated Joseph to 2nd in authority over the land of Egypt.

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