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God will provide – a lesson from the childhood of Jesus

God will provide – a lesson from the childhood of Jesus

There are times when God's children suffer hardship and turmoil. And sometimes things look quite bleak. However, we are never forgotten, as we are dear to our Lord. And we should always take comfort that God will provide for all of our needs according to His goodness and mercy. No downloads available. Podcasts     [...]

The Sign of the Birth of Jesus

The Sign of the Birth of Jesus

When the angels of God told the shepherds of Bethlehem how they would be able to identify the baby Messiah (Christ Luke 2:8-12), they gave them a sign. That they would find the baby wrapped in cloth in an animal feeder (manger). Was it more to it than just a sign to point him out? [...]

What is baptism?  Is it required to be saved?

What is baptism? Is it required to be saved?

What is baptism?1.         Greek meaning of the word2.         the Jews would baptize converts to Judaism3.         New Testament baptism4.         distinctiveness in Christian Jews and Gentile baptism5.         Is baptism required to be saved? No downloads available. Podcasts              

Reflecting on John 6:29 – Seeking Jesus for Food

Reflecting on John 6:29 – Seeking Jesus for Food

In John 6 Jesus feeds the 5,000 men supernaturally from 2 fish and 5 loaves. This great sign moves the people to try to forcibly make Him king. He leaves and later crosses the Sea of Galilee. The following day some of those same people seek Him to repeat the miracle but receive correction from [...]

The Births of Jacob and Esau – Genesis Chapter 25

The Births of Jacob and Esau – Genesis Chapter 25

Genesis chapter 25 opens with Abraham taking a second wife, Keturah. She bore him 6 sons, fulfilling God’s promise to make from him a multitude of peoples. Then, it moves to dispense of Ishmael’s genealogy. Showing that his twelve sons were also God’s fulfillment of His word to Abraham. And finally, it concentrates on Isaac. [...]

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