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The Eternal Kingdom – Revelation 21:1-8
After the Kingdom of Jesus the Messiah has ended, Satan is shortly released and leads the world in a final rebellion. He is quickly dispatched and this event is followed by the Judgment Day. This is the second resurrection, where only unbelieving sinners will be resurrected, judged and sentenced to the Lake of Fire for [...]
Judgment Day – Revelation 20:11-15
After the final rebellion of Satan and unsaved humanity in the Great War at the end of Jesus’ 1,000 year reign is the Judgment Day, also called the Great White Throne Judgment. Only the wicked dead appear here and are judged and sentenced to the Lake of Fire for all eternity. The universe that has [...]
After the Kingdom – Revelation 20:7-10
When Jesus returns and sets up His kingdom, Satan will be imprisoned for 1,000 years. That is, for the whole duration of the Kingdom. At the end of Jesus’ messianic reign (the kingdom), Satan is released for a short time and influences much of humanity to rebel against Christ in one final war. Both Satan [...]
The Kingdom of the Messiah (Revelation 20:1-6)
After Jesus returns with the saints and (He alone) destroys the armies of the antiChrist, He will judge the Gentile nations. The righteous Gentiles will be welcomed into the Kingdom, while the unrighteous Gentiles will be put to death. Also, it is at this time that Satan and his demonic angels will be temporarily imprisoned for 1,000 years – the duration of the Kingdom. The marriage supper/feast of Christ will then be celebrated by all those in the Kingdom. Jesus will allot thrones throughout the Kingdom. And the greatest time of peace and prosperity the world has ever known will begin.
The Return of Jesus Christ – Revelation 19
After the destruction of Babylon (Revelation 17 and 18), there is great praise in heaven. The vindication of the saints who were killed is now taking place as God brings destruction on the anti-Christ and his kingdom. Jesus is officially married to His church and then returns to DESTROY all of his enemies.
The Destruction of Babylon – Revelation Chapter 18
Revelation 17 is the destruction of ecclesiastical (religious) Babylon. Revelation 18 is the destruction of political-economic Babylon, the capitol of the anti-Christ. Babylon will become the financial and cultural center of the world in the last days and will be the headquarters of the antiChrist. But because of continuing idolatry and the persecution of the [...]
Paul (Galatians) vs James — JUSTIFICATION
“Justification” in Paul verses James is often misunderstood and thought to be a contradiction by some. Martin Luther truly disliked the letter of James, because he thought it contradicted the glorious message of (Paul’s) salvation by faith alone. But is that what James really said? There is no contradiction in the message of Paul and James. While Paul’s emphasis is on the MEANS of salvation, James is emphasizing the PROOF (or evidence) of salvation.
A nature to rebel? | Revelation 20:7-9
Looking at Revelation 20, we find that Jesus has returned in power and glory. He has restored the earth to a state of paradise like Adam had in the Garden in Eden. Satan and his demonic horde have been contained in the abyss for the full length of the reign of Jesus. This gives mankind the opportunity to benefit from the blessings of Jesus’s work of restoration.
Bitter Enemies – There is no friendship with the world!
In John 7, Jesus gave a fundamental principle of the world’s regard for Him – hatred. There has always been a hatred of Christ and christians by the world; and there will continue to be hatred. Therefore, christians should represent Christ and the values of Christianity and stop trying to be friends with a world that will never love them. We should be loyal to Jesus and the doctrines of holiness in this God-hating world.
God has a COOL CAR!
In the first chapter of Ezekiel, we find that God has a mobile chariot – a kind of car. What is the meaning and purpose of this?
The Serpent will eat DUST!
The serpent was the greatest of all the “beasts of the field” that God made. However, it played a pivotal role in the fall of man. What was God’s response…? Now, in the Millennial Kingdom the earth and the animal kingdom will be restored very much like it was before Adam’s fall. But what will become of the serpent?
The Sinning Brother
In Paul’s first epistle to the Corinthians, he deals with a number of sinful issues that are within the church. One of the most grievous and strangest is concerning the man who is sleeping with his father’s wife. Such behavior is horrendous and unheard of for Christians. However, what does Paul say would be the end for such a man?…