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Is the blessing or cursing of Jews still relevant today?
How do you feel about Jews? What do you think about the Jewish people? When God called Abraham, He made him a promise of blessing or cursing of others based on how they dealt with him and his descendants. What does this mean and is it relevant to non-Jews today? Audio Video There are no [...]
Why are there four gospels?
There are those who question the need of four gospels of Jesus, since He lived just one life. They ask why do we need four gospels instead of just one.
The Only Time When Satan Has Possessed
Many times in the New Testament we read of demons possessing and controlling individuals. However, the Scripture records only one man during one particular season when Satan himself possesses. Who is this man and what is the reason for this?
Why did the Jewish leaders give Judas 30 pieces of silver to betray Jesus?
Revelation Chapter 15 takes us back to a scene of praise in heaven by those who were killed by the Anti-Christ. They worship and praise God for His deliverance and look forward to His judgments that are coming unto a rebellious planet.
Why Did Jesus Speak in Parables?
In the gospel records, we read where Jesus commonly spoke to the Jewish people in a way that they clearly understood. However, there came a time in His ministry when He would ONLY speak to them in parables. What was the reason for this and what did it mean? Audio Video There are no outlines [...]
Can we heal like Jesus did in the Bible today?
You hear many people saying that since Jesus healed in the Bible, we can do the same things today? But is that true? Join me in this discussion of healing by Jesus in the Bible and for believers today.
The Bowl Judgments | Revelation 16 | Study of Revelation
Revelation Chapter 15 takes us back to a scene of praise in heaven by those who were killed by the Anti-Christ. They worship and praise God for His deliverance and look forward to His judgments that are coming unto a rebellious planet. The seven angels prepare themselves to unleash the worse destruction this world has [...]
Prepare for the Bowl Judgments | Revelation 15 | Study of Revelation
Revelation Chapter 15 takes us back to a scene of praise in heaven by those who were killed by the Anti-Christ. They worship and praise God for His deliverance and look forward to His judgments that are coming unto a rebellious planet. The seven angels prepare themselves to unleash the worse destruction this world has ever endured.
The Reapers | Revelation 14:14-20 | Study of Revelation
The last section of Revelation chapter 14 breaks with the discussion of the Anti-christ and continues with the events of the 7th Trumpet judgments. This comes to a sort of an interlude before the Seven Bowl Judgments that shows a scene of angels reaping with a sickle and praise in heaven. But Revelation 14:14-20 is [...]
Warnings Against Worshiping the Anti-Christ | Revelation 14:1-13
This section is a warning for all who might worship the Anti-Christ. In Revelation 13 there was the rise of the (false Messiah) the Anti-Christ and the forcing of all humanity to accept Him as the God-man by receiving the number of his name (666). However, God will warn humanity by sending three angelic witnesses [...]
Revelation 13 Part 4 | The False Prophet
We continue our teaching in this section with the person and activities of the Anti-Christ during the Great Tribulation, the final three and one-half years of the Tribulation. He is the son of Satan, who hates everything about the true God and will seek to kill all the people of God and force the remaining [...]
The Anti-Christ | Revelation 13 part 3
We continue our teaching in this section with the person and activities of the Anti-Christ during the Great Tribulation, the final three and one-half years of the Tribulation. He is the son of Satan, who hates everything about the true God and will seek to kill all the people of God and force the remaining [...]