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Behold The Man | John 19:5
In John 19:5 Pilate says to the Jewish leaders who brought Jesus to be judged and condemned by the Romans and be crucified, “Behold, the man!” Why did he say this?
When Angels Married Women | Genesis 6:1-8
This section begins with the events surrounding the life of Noah. It starts with a demonic attempt to corrupt the Seed of the woman when fallen angels married human females and produced a race of supernatural beings. These beings then proceeded to influence the corruption (wickedness) of mankind to the point where God sorrowfully decided to destroy the earth.
Tracing the Seed-Line | Genesis 5:1-32
The next section (toldoth) of Genesis 5 deals with the tracing of the Seed of the Woman (seed-line) through the descendants of Adam.
The City of Cain | Genesis 4:17-26
Now that Cain has been exiled to wander the earth by God, he leaves from the presence of God and in time builds a city. What becomes of his descendants? And is Scripture trying to give us a message in describing this line?
The Judgment of Cain | Genesis 4:6-16
The two brothers, Cain and Abel, have submitted their offerings to God. But God only accepts Abel’s offering and rejects Cain’s. Cain refuses to listen to God and repent. Instead, he starts an argument with his brother and kills him. Like He did with his father Adam, God questions Cain and brings him into judgment. Cain is cursed forever from the presence and fellowship with God.
God Rejects Cain’s Offering | Genesis 4:2-5
After Eve’s disappointment that Cain was not the promised Seed (Messiah/God-Man) we are faced with God’s rejection of Cain. In this teaching we highlight the reasons why God rejected Cain’s offering.
Eve believes she has given birth to the Messiah | Genesis 4:1
After the Fall, the man and his wife are driven from the Garden of Eden to face the harshness of life. Clinging to the promise of God (Genesis 3:15), Eve believes that she has given birth to the Messiah.
The Judgment of ADAM | Genesis 3:17-24
Once God finished pronouncing judgment on the serpent (Satan) and the woman, He finally judged Adam. And once this was done He expelled him from the garden. But, before He cast them out, He clothed them both. Join me to see what is going on by this act.
The Judgment of the Serpent, Satan and the Woman | Genesis 3:8-16
After Adam sinned God brought judgment, beginning with the serpent, then Satan, then the woman and finally Adam. It is important to remember that it was Adam’s sin ALONE that brought the sentence of death. However, they all were punished because they willingly contributed to the downfall of the man in disobedience to God. (See 1 Corinthians 15:21-22; Romans 5:14-18)
The Creation of Woman | Genesis 2:10-25
After God formed a place where the man could have fellowship with Him (the Garden in Eden), we are introduced to two trees – the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Adam (alone) is commanded not to eat of the tree of knowledge. God then proceeds to allow him to name all of the animals, indicating his authority over the earth. In doing so, he also allows him to see his uniqueness and aloneness. So, He proceeds to make him a suitable companion – Eve.
The Fall of Adam | Genesis 3:1-7
Genesis 1 and 2 gives us a wonderful picture of creation with the Man and the Woman enjoying each other; and most of all, they are in fellowship with God. In chapter 3 we are introduced to their first temptation to disobey God’s commandment concerning the forbidden tree.
The Trees of Life and Knowledge of Good and Evil | Genesis 2:4-9
Genesis 2 looks more closely at the creation of man on the 6th day. And also let’s look a little deeper at the reason for the tree of life and the tree of knowledge and what it meant for Adam. We also take a slight diversion in explaining why good angels never turn bad and bad angels never turn good.