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The Glory of Jesus | What was Jesus like BEFORE He was born? | John 17:5
We often hear about Jesus from the time of His birth until He returns to this earth. However, the Scriptures tell us that He existed before creation itself. So, what was He like?…. Let’s take a look together and then go forward into eternity. | John 17:5; Matthew 17:1-9; Philippians 2:3-7; Revelation 21 & 22.
What made Jesus’ miracles so special? | John 15:24
We read in the Scriptures of the many miracles that Jesus performed. And indeed they are spectacular. But haven’t these miracles been done before? What makes Jesus’ miracles so unique? Let’s find out together. | John 15:24; Luke 5:12-14; Matthew 12:22-37 and John 9.
How do you know when it is the Spirit? | John 16:5-15
Often times we are told that the Holy Spirit is moving, speaking or acting (is present). But how can we be certain that something is truly of the Spirit or not? We must always be careful of simply being persuaded by our feelings or the expectations of others when judging if something is of the Spirit. So let’s study John 16:5-15.
The Gifts of Prophecy and Apostleship | 1 Corinthians 12 and Ephesians 2
What is the gift of prophecy? Are there any prophets today? What is the gift of apostleship? Do we have any more apostles today? There’s so much confusion about this in the church today. So, let’s continue our teaching on the gifts of the Holy Spirit, looking at these two gifts: prophecy and apostleship.
The Gift of Tongues | 1 Corinthians 12 and 14
What is the gift of tongues? How does a person “get” the gift of tongues? Can anyone have the gift? Can you pray for it or someone else pray that you receive it? How should tongues be practiced in the church? These questions and more will be answered in our study of tongues covering select readings from 1 Corinthians 12 and 14.
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit | 1 Corinthians 12:4-13
What are spiritual gifts? Where do they come from? And how does a person get one or more? The answer to these questions and more will be discussed in this video as we examine 1 Corinthians 12:4-13.
Do you have to believe Jesus is God? | John 8:21-24; Exodus 3:14
We believe that in order to be saved, we must believe in the Person and work of Jesus. As to His person, that He is the Messiah, the anointed One of God. And as to His work(s), that He lived, was crucified and resurrected from the dead. But, what is the “nature” of His Person? Do we have to believe that He is GOD to be saved? Let’s study John 8:21-24 and Exodus 3:14.
Did THEY kill Jesus? | John 10:11-18; 19:30
It is often said that the Romans, persuaded by the Jewish leaders, killed Jesus. But is that what actually happened? Did THEY kill Jesus or was there something else really taking place on the cross? Let’s take a look at John 10:11-18 and John 19:30 to find out!
Did Judas repent? Was he saved? | Matthew 27:3-6
Matthew 27:3 (KJV) says that Judas repented. So, was he saved in the end? What’s going on here?
What the Bible Teaches about Sheol (Hell)
his is a topical study of Sheol, sometimes simply translated as “Hell”. But what do the Scriptures teach about this place? Is it simply a place of torment? Join me in this exciting teaching.
God makes coverings for Adam and Eve | Genesis 3:21 (Hebrew Text Study)
After Adam disobeyed God by eating the forbidden fruit, both his and his wife’s eyes were opened. What does that mean? And they sewed fig leaves to cover their nakedness. Why? Then, God Himself replaced the clothing they made for themselves with provisions that He Himself provided. Why?
The Call of Abraham | Genesis 12:1-3 (Hebrew Text Study)
n the call of Abraham we note three things: 1. It was a privilege to be called by God for the continuation of the Seed line. 2. He was commanded to be a blessing to others. 3. His election (being chosen — the Jewish people) was instrumental for the salvation of the Gentiles (all the families of the earth).