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Running the Race: Paul’s Example of Service (1 Corinthians Chapter 9)
Paul continues his teaching of relinquishing Christian rights and freedoms for the sake of others, using himself as an example.
Denying Yourself For the Sake of Others (1 Corinthians Chapter 8)
Paul changes the subject to address the issue about eating foods that are sacrificed to idols. The problem was that for the strong, eating these foods were no problem; but for the weak, they might be tempted to engage in idolatry, because of the influence of the strong.
Is it better for Christians to marry? (1 Corinthians 7:25-40)
Paul continues his teaching on marriage stressing the benefit of remaining single.
Embrace Your Calling: Called to be who you are in Christ (1 Corinthians 7:17-24)
Paul makes a slight excursion from his teaching concerning marriage to deal with a principle point that a Christian should remained in the state that he was called at salvation.
Mixed Marriages: The Saved to the Unsaved (1 Corinthians 7:6-16)
Paul continues his teachings concerning marriage dealing with celibacy , mixed marriages and divorce.
SⒺX in the Christian Marriage (1 Corinthians 7:1-5)
Paul changes topic to address sexual relations for married Christians.
Avoid Sexual Immorality! (1 Corinthians 6:12-20)
Paul continues his chastisement of the Corinthians concerning their flagrant practice of sexual immorality.
Saints in Court (A Christian Approach to Conflict) (1 Corinthians 6:1-11)
Paul continues his chastisement of the Corinthians for their carnal activities of taking fellow believers to court before unbelievers.
Church Discipline: Removing a Member (1 Corinthians Chapter 5)
Paul addresses the Corinthians for their lack of discipline for one of the members who is engaging in sexual immorality.
Stewards of God’s Mysteries (1 Corinthians Chapter 4)
Paul concludes chapters 1-4 concerning the Corinthian’s division. He underlines that the problem or cause of their division is their arrogance and pride. Thus, he urges them to follow his (the apostle’s) path of humility.
When the Preacher Stands in the JUDGMENT! (1 Corinthians Chapter 3)
Paul concludes chapters 1-3 with the command to the Corinthians end their division and warns ministers of their judgment before Christ for their works in the church.
A Simple Message with TRANSCENDENT Wisdom (1 Corinthians Chapter 2)
Paul reminds the Corinthians of his approach when he came to them preaching the gospel. And although this method of deliverance was simple, in it was the very depths of God’s revelation of salvation.