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The Preaching of the Cross, Wisdom of God (1 Corinthians 1:18-31)
Paul shows how the preaching of the cross is God’s provision to save those whom He chose, whom the world would consider inconsequential.
No More DIVISION! (1 Corinthians 1:10-17)
Paul exhorts the Corinthian church to unity.
Saints by Calling (1 Corinthians 1:1-9)
Paul opens his letter to the Corinthian church stating that the proof of their salvation was in the abundance of spiritual gifts given to them.
Introduction to 1 Corinthians
An introduction to Paul’s first epistle to the Corinthians.
Greetings and Beware False Teachers (Romans Chapter 16)
Paul closes his epistle with greetings to a number of persons in Rome and gives a final warning against false teachers.
Accept One Another (Romans Chapter 15)
Paul closes the essence of this epistle, admonishing both Jew and Gentile believers to unity. And he wraps up the letter with some personal itinerary.
Christian Freedoms [Food and Holy Days] (Romans Chapter 14)
Paul moves to the issue of Christian harmony. Because of the coming of “the faith” (Law of Christ), many will find it difficult. Thus, “the strong” (those who transition easily) should not disdain the weak (those who hesitate to change). But all should strive to live harmoniously. In this chapter we have the establishment of Christian freedom.
Christians and the Government (Romans 13)
Paul continues commanding that Christians should be submissive to the government, when that government is doing good. And, he also instructs us to love others who are not Christians and live diametrically distinct from them in view of the Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Responding to God’s Salvation (Romans 12)
Paul commands the elect to respond to God’s great salvation by living godly lives, humbly exercising their spiritual gifts and being at peace with their enemies.
All Israel will be SAVED! (Romans 11:16-36)
Paul continues his teaching warning Gentile Christians against arrogance and pride because of their great number as believers, revealing to them that one day God will turn his attention back to Israel and save the WHOLE NATION!
God has NOT rejected Israel. (Romans 11:1-15)
Paul continues his teaching that God has not permanently rejected Israel, but their temporary rejection of Jesus as Messiah has led to the truth of the gospel spreading to the Gentiles and reaping a great harvest from among them.
Israel’s Failure to Obtain Righteousness (Romans 10)
Paul continues his teaching concerning Israel in how they did not obtain the righteousness that they were seeking, because they rejected God’s only means of attaining it – faith in Christ Jesus.