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One Way of Salvation for Both Jew and Gentile: Faith in Jesus ALONE (Romans 3:19-31)
Paul continues his proof of both Jew and Gentile under sin. Thus, God provided His own means of righteousness – faith in Jesus alone.
All are under SIN! (Romans 3:1-18)
Paul continues his proof that both Jews and Gentiles have sinned and thus deserve the righteous wrath of God. This laying the foundation of the need of justification by faith alone.
What is it to TRULY be Jewish? (Romans 2:17-29)
Paul continues his theme of no partiality with God, directing his accusation of sin towards the Jews after his indictment of the Gentiles.
There is NO PARTIALITY with God. (Romans 2:1-16)
Paul teaches there is no partiality with God. All who sinned will perish, whether with or without law.
How do you know when a people are under GOD’s JUDGMENT? (Romans 1:18-32)
Paul begins to note how that the Gentile world is under sin.
The Gospel: God’s Power of Salvation (Romans 1:1-17)
Opening of Paul’s letter to the Romans. The Gospel
Introduction to the Study of Romans
Introduction to the Study of Romans
What is it to WAIT for the Lord? (2 Thessalonians 3)
Paul concludes this epistle to the Thessalonians requesting prayer and commanding that all Christians should work to provide for themselves.
The Anti-Christ, Man of Lawlessness (2 Thessalonians 2)
In chapter 2, Paul corrects the false teaching that has been circulating in the Thessalonians church that they are in the Day of the Lord. He instructs them about things that must precede this event and further expands on the key person of it – the Anti-Christ.
Suffering Transforms the Believer (2 Thessalonians 1)
Chapter 1 is more of an amplified greeting of Paul to the Thessalonians, He acknowledges their sufferings for their faith in Christ Jesus as an evidence of God’s grace and reminds them of Christ’s judgment on those who have caused their suffering at His return.
Introduction to 2 Thessalonians
Introduction to 2 Thessalonians
The Day of the Lord (1 Thessalonians 5)
Paul continues his eschatological teachings concerning the Day of the Lord, a unique time of God’s judgment on the whole earth. And he closes his letter exhorting the Thessalonians to holy living, looking to the Coming of Christ (Rapture).