frogs and flies plague the egyptians - exodus chapter 8

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When Moses goes to the king of Egypt the second time, God gives him a sign miracle to perform and when that is not heeded he turns the waters of Egypt into blood.  Pharaoh hardens his heart and refuses to release the Hebrew slaves.  So, God sends Moses again.  This time warning of a plague of frogs.  The frogs then cover Egypt and pharaoh calls for Moses to get rid of them, promising to let the people go.  He reneges on his promise and God sends swarms of gnats to plague Egypt.  Moses returns to pharaoh again to let the people go with the threat of a swarm of insects.  This swarm forces pharaoh to compromise, saying the slaves could worship their God but just not too far away from Egypt.  Nevertheless, pharaoh was deceitful and lied again.

00:00 – Review
03:47 – God warns pharaoh of plague with frogs
08:10 – Frogs come over the land of Egypt
12:22 – Pharaoh asks Moses to remove the frogs
16:15 – Pharaoh goes back on his word to let the Jews go
19:00 – God strikes Egypt with gnats
25:58 – God warns pharaoh of plague of swarm
33:10 – The swarm comes upon Egypt
39:42 – Pharaoh reneges on his promise to release the Jews 
45:53 – Final thoughts


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