God assures Moses of Israel's Deliverance - exodus chapter 6

When the king makes the Hebrew slaves gather their own straw to make bricks, they blame Moses for their predicament.  Moses cries out to God and God reassures him that indeed He will deliver the Israelites from Egyptian slavery.  He tells him that the time for Him to fulfill the covenant that He made with their Jewish ancestors has come and He is now going to act.  So, God sends Moses to encourage the Israelites, but they do not believe him.  And God sends Moses and Aaron for a second time to pharaoh, but Moses complains that pharaoh won’t believe him either.  The end of this chapter provides a genealogy to identify the “Moses and Aaron” whom God will use to lead Israel out of bondage.

00:00 – Review
04:46 – God assures Moses of deliverance
14:04 – God sends Moses to reassure the Israelites
19:07 – God sends Moses to pharaoh a second time
21:10 – Understanding why the genealogy listing
24:50 – Genealogy of the heads of the tribes
28:33 – Descendants of Levi (tribe of Moses and Aaron)
34:57 – Parents of Moses
40:02 – Aaron’s family
45:16 – Phineas, the son of Aaron
50:04 – Returning back to God’s sending Moses a second time
52:23 – Final thoughts


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