God provides water and defeats Amalek - exodus chapter 17

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After leaving the wilderness of Sin, God led Israel to Rephidim, where they had no water.  As usual, the people complained against Moses; and Moses cried out to God.  God instructed Moses to strike the rock and it would give water for the nation.  While they were encamped in Rephidim, they were attacked by Amalek.  Moses instructed Joshua to go to battle with him.  Joshua defeated Amalek by the power of God.  So, God provided substance for His people and victory in battle.


00:00 – Review
02:52 – The people complain for lack of water
08:08 – Moses prays and God directs him
18:07 – Amalek attacks Israel
20:10 – Joshua defeats Amalek
23:44 – God promises to have continual war with Amalek
25:51 – Final thoughts


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